Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2018, 1–2 (20–21): 58-61
UDC 330.131.5 : 332.33

Oksana Sakal
PhD(Econ.), Senior Researcher,
Senior Researcher of the Department of
Problems of Land and Forest Resources Economy of the
Public Institution “Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”

Abstract: The article is devoted doctrinal issues of environmental and economic effectiveness of use land in conditions of infringement of institutional transformations. The modern approaches to the definition of content of ecological and economic effectiveness of land use are analyzed. It is established that the overwhelming majority of domestic researchers interpret this notion regarding the use of agricultural land or farm land. It is proved that such an approach is justified, taking into account the structure of the land fund of Ukraine. However, this reduces other goals of the land user and functions of the land. It is proposed to investigate the category of ecological and economic effectiveness of land use in accordance with the provisions of the ecological economics, social welfare theory, and concept of total economic value. Based on the classification of land functions, the criteria of selection material content and social form of ecological and economic effectiveness of land use are determined.
Key words: land use, ecological and economic effectiveness, institutional transformation, ecological economics, functions of land, decentralization, social welfare.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2018
Date of online version: 2018